Karaada, one of the most magical and hidden paradises of Bodrum, offers a unique experience to every visitor. This private island, which gets its name from the resemblance of its appearance to land, resembles a dream world with the calmness of nature and the clarity of the sea.
Karaada is an ideal place to dive into the depths of the sea, explore the rich underwater life and practice water sports. The clear and clean sea water around the island resembles an aquarium. Jul. When you dive, you can explore the extraordinary world of colorful fish and exotic sea creatures.
Thermal springs and mud baths located in the island have an important potential in terms of health and wellness tourism. Here you can experience this unique experience that nature offers you, and you can feel the unique freshness that mud baths will give to your skin.
Karaada is also an important destination for history lovers. You can see the ruins of the Byzantine period on the island and have an experience intertwined with history.
Karaada is waiting for you with its calmness, tranquility and atmosphere that protects its place in nature. In this unique island paradise of Bodrum, you can stay alone with nature, find peace and accumulate unforgettable memories. Come on, come to Karaada to experience this unique experience and have a unique experience in this special place where nature and history meet together.
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